How Does Hair Transplant Differ In Men And Women?

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Photo illustrating hair transplants for men and women

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Surgical and medical hair transplant experts recognize the fact that male hair loss and thinning hair can be quite easy to identify when compared to female pattern baldness and thinning hair. Furthermore, they all have come to an agreement on one thing: the most amazing results start with the most comprehensive diagnosis of the hair thinning or hair loss issue to assess whether or not the patient is suitable for a hair transplant operation.

Consequently, we examine the donor sites via densitometry and assess them with the use of a microscope. We evaluate whether women have an acceptable and stable donor site; if that isn’t so, the newly transplanted hair will start falling out and will entirely degrade in their new location. Considering that women are highly likely to have diffuse thinning all over their heads, they do not have stable donor sites.

Diffuse female hair loss can often be misdiagnosed as a hair thinning issue because of different diseases, hormonal abnormalities, traumas, or medications. In such cases, a biopsy of a few hair follicles is required to establish if a hair transplant will be efficient. Certain hair loss diagnosis, including trauma, face-lift scars, traction alopecia, and lastly, eyebrow restoration, make women eligible candidates for a hair transplant procedure.

Photo illustrating hair transplant for men

Male Hair Transplant


There are some other considerations to be taken, it doesn't matter whether you are psychologically and financially ready for the operation.

As a first step, there will be a determination if the hair loss progression is running its course prior to a hair transplant. There doesn’t precisely exist an age when hair loss suddenly stops. The rate and amount of hair thinning depends entirely on key factors (such as a person’s general health, environment, and diet). When and how much hair a man will lose can also be determined by genetics.

If a patient prematurely jumps the gun and undergoes a hair operation much early on, then hair loss can still progress. So it could result in a restored hairline but with time even a bald center.

Following the procedure, hair loss medications used prior to the surgery will still be continued. That is so hair loss can be prevented from getting worse and be fully controlled.

The Procedure

For a male hair transplant, they have initially removed donor grafts from the back of the head, seeing as this site is frequently not impacted by the condition. There can be employed two methods in doing so, the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). The first one, the FUT, referred to as the “strip method”, is done by removing a piece of the scalp that has in it the donor graft. It is quite an invasive procedure, but it does promote better yield since it is much less traumatic to single hair follicles. On the contrary, a FUE hair transplant is a new method that utilizes a specialized tool that takes the role of a punch for the removal of single grafts straight from the scalp.

Photo illustrating a hair transplant for women

Female Hair Transplant

Though men normally make amazing candidates for a hair transplant, this isn’t quite the case for women. As previously mentioned, the donor sites for men are positioned at the back of the head. This is namely the “stable site,” which implies that it isn’t affected in any way by DHT. In female pattern baldness, however, these same regions are unstable. They are continuously thinning, similar to other regions of the head.

Thus, if the hair is removed from these regions and transplanted to thinning regions, it would with time fall out. Surgeons who claim they can transplant hair from an unstable region are very unreliable and are completely taking advantage of their patients.

What Is The Goal Of Treatment For Female Hair Transplant?

Differently from men, the frontal hairline in females remains intact, considering that their hair loss has more of a diffused pattern. Hair transplants for females are aimed at restoring the hair volume from the top and the back rather than framing the face. Often, the chosen method for such cases is the FUE, despite some clinics choosing the strip technique.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate For A Hair Transplant?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for a hair transplant. Patients must be thoroughly assessed by a surgeon in order to determine whether the treatment is the right solution for them. The following are some of the potential female candidates:

  • Women who experience hair loss because of mechanical reasons like traction alopecia, which happens in women who regularly style their hair in very tight braids, weaves, or buns.
  • Women who experience a specific hair loss pattern, similar to that in male pattern baldness.
  • Women who experience hair loss that comes as a result of accidents, trauma, or burns.
  • Women who have previously experienced plastic or cosmetic surgeries are worried about hair loss on the incision regions because of scarring.
  • Women who experience alopecia marginalis, a condition quite similar to traction alopecia.


Hair transplants in women have proved to be an excellent way of accomplishing the desired results in patients who have gotten one. Recently, the Daily Mail shared the experience of a woman who had undergone the procedure and how she was extremely satisfied with the results of her new look but also felt quite confident.

The bottom line is that hair transplants today aren’t the same as they used to be twenty or maybe even ten years ago. Nowadays, the practice has enhanced drastically providing natural-looking outcomes. Think of it as a minimally invasive, less painful procedure that ensures secure and healthy follicles for donors. These are among the reasons why female hair transplants are catching up rather quickly to male hair transplants.

Photo illustrating the results of hair transplant for men and women

What Are The Differences Between Hair Transplant Surgery For Men And Women?

After the diagnosis has been determined, and the surgeon has been able to find a stable donor site, the technical components of the hair removal are typically the same for every patient. The sole difference is that women usually have tighter and smaller scalps than men, needing more accuracy from the surgeon in order to establish the depth of the harvest.

The most required design by men for a hair transplant is one that first replaces the front or forelock of the head, followed right away by receded temples. To achieve such, the medical professional will position the hairs in a forward orientation. Next, we will contemplate filling in the thinning crown site on a male if there is enough donor hair left over. Nevertheless, in hair restoration in Albania, our aim is to return the frame, namely, the rounded hairline surrounding your face. Our focus is the frontal hairline, the temples, and the front section of the scalp that frames the face if there is no more hair to handle the rest.

Once a sufficient density is achieved in that region, the new hair can be styled in such a way as to cover hair loss or thinning in the region behind it, which is mostly efficacious in Caucasian women.

Additionally, female hair transplants in Albania are even harder to conduct seeing as women’s frontal hairlines are known for their particular swirls, growth patterns, and directional shifts that must be replicated and can turn into very complex. After the completion is over, a female can benefit from any style technique, perm, and color treatment to impactfully enhance the appearance of a female hair transplant.

Visible scarring is the most essential issue to be prevented. Therefore, our recommendation for men is not to shorten their hair due to the fact that the scars might become obvious because of shaving. The most thought-provoking element for women is the donor area’s stability. What’s to add more, the process of transplanting in transitional areas might be complicated to navigate.

Due to hair growth occurring in cycles, the trauma of a hair transplant might lead to a short-term shock and certain fall-out, even in the case of healthy follicles. Our skilled staff complies with plans to mitigate this effect, but it is still a risk that should be addressed to females so that they won’t be drawn back because of it.

Need Professional Hair Replacement In Albania? Contact Us Today!

Schedule an appointment today at Advanced Hair Clinic for professional hair restoration for men and women in Albania. Our experienced staff will take care of the procedure and assist you in accomplishing your desired outcomes. We remain the appropriate expert for your hair transplant in Albania. With our help, you are more than sure to gain the most amazing and outstanding hair replacement services.

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