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How Many Years Do Hair Transplantation Results Last?

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Hair transplant results

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Will a hair transplant endure a lifetime? Yes, a hair transplant can be permanent, enduring for a very long time, over 20 years in some cases, and for life in others. A hair transplant procedure migrates lifelong hairs not susceptible to hair loss, from the back and side of the head to sites that are continuously balding. These lifelong hairs maintain their longevity when being transplanted to a new site on the scalp. The reason why, a hair transplant can be the ultimate solution to balding.

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Expectations and Recovery of Hair Transplant

Following the surgery, your scalp might be fragile. You might need to take painkillers for a couple of days. Your surgeon will advise wearing bandages over the scalp for at least a day or two. He or she might also prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug or an antibiotic that needs to be taken for a few days. The majority of people can go back to work between two to five days following the procedure.

In a matter of two to three weeks following the surgery, the transplanted hair will fall out, but new growth will be visible in no more than a few months. Commonly, new hair growth is noticeable by the 6th to 9th month. Several surgeons prescribe hair-growing drugs like Minoxidil (Rogaine) to enhance hair growth after a hair transplant surgery, but it is not clear how successful it is.

A FUE Hair Transplant and the FUT technique might each take a few hours to a few days to be fully done. To some extent, this is entirely dependent on the amount of work conducted by the surgeon. You will be able to go home on the very same day of the procedure.

After the surgery is over, your surgeon thoroughly removes the bandages. The site might be swollen, so there might be needed injections of triamcinolone to keep the swelling down. There might also be pain or soreness at the transplant site and at the area where the hair was harvested from. For the following few days, you might be prescribed:

  • Over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen
  • Antibiotics for the prevention of infections
  • Anti-inflammatories for the swelling reduction
  • Drugs such as Minoxidil (Rogaine) or Finasteride (Propecia) for the stimulation of hair growth

The following are some aftercare guidelines for a hair transplant procedure:

  • Stand by for a few days following the surgery to wash your hair. Use only mild shampoos for the initial few weeks.
  • You will be capable of returning to work or your regular routine in three days.
  • Do not push a comb or brush down over the fresh grafts for approximately three weeks.
  • Do not wear pullover shirts, jackets, or hats till your doctor advises otherwise.
  • Skip exercising for at least one week.

Hair falling out is quite alright. It is all part of the normal process. The transplanted hair might not grow much or perfectly match the surrounding hair for a couple of months.

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

During a hair transplant procedure, healthy hair follicles are taken and transplanted to the thinning or balding areas. With genetic baldness, the hair sustains the features of where it was harvested from, disregarding its place on the scalp. The reason why a hair transplant procedure is the sole permanent solution to hair loss.

Hair loss is active, and there is a physical restriction to what can be achieved in a singular procedure. Numerous patients decide on having multiple procedures with the hope of increasing their hair density. This does not have any effect on the originally transplanted hair.

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Factors that decide how long hair transplant last

Commonly used hair transplant procedures offer aesthetically-pleasing and natural results, with hair growing just like real hair does. Though patients frequently enjoy a high rate of prosperous transplants, a few components can conceivably restrict results, such as:

  • Selecting the proper surgeon and clinic: The methods employed for hair transplant procedures have advanced over the course of years, and high-quality rated clinics like Advanced Hair Clinic continuously accomplish a huge graft growth success rate. Regrettably, there exist numerous sub-standard clinics. Find out more by doing careful research online and pick a surgeon who can provide steady and efficacious results.
  • Recognizing that a hair transplant isn’t a successful approach for every individual: Hair transplants are not a marvel. Those with progressive hair loss, wherein hair follicles stay dormant for two to seven years, and patients with thin hair in the donor site will have bad results from their hair transplantation procedure. This does not imply that important cosmetic results cannot be found. It only means that the expectations must be lower. In nearly every instance some accurate transplanted hairs are much better than no hair at all.
  • Experience continuous hair loss: A hair transplant does not impede further hair loss. The freshly implanted hair might endure a lifetime, but the hair around the transplant area could still fall out. There exist several treatments for hair loss.
  • Picking an appropriate donor site capacity: The width of the permanent area changes from one individual to another. A bigger donor site enables the removal of more grafts throughout a hair transplant. If the permanent area is rather tiny or poor you might have to alter the expectations for the achievable amount of coverage. A skilled hair transplant surgeon can assist you with this.

Why does a hair transplant last so long?

Maybe you haven’t paid much attention to balding women or men, but if you ever did, you’ve noticed how they have hair at the sides and the back, even when they’re old. Mainly because the processes that lead to hair loss don’t have any impact on these regions. Alternatively, the hair in the crown and on the top are vulnerable to hair loss, particularly in instances like female or male pattern hair loss, commonly known as androgenic alopecia.

Consequently, the side and back hairs have the tendency to stay on your head all through life. Whenever these hairs are taken out and transplanted from those regions to a region where balding is happening, they keep their resistance. Meaning, they remain in the new region for a long period, potentially turning a hair transplant permanent.

Can a hair transplant last a short time?

Patients who have a hair transplant when they have strong hair loss continue losing hair even after hair transplantation. This will result in hair in the transplanted area, but no hair behind. Therefore, it will be putting a limit on the longevity of the hair transplant.

Seeing as the outcome after a hair transplant can last a lifetime, you need to ensure that you will be satisfied with it and also control the ongoing hair loss. This means, taking into consideration some crucial factors prior to undergoing a hair transplant procedure. Including:

  1. Hair transplant with and without the use of Minoxidil and Finasteride
  2. Will there be a need for a second hair transplant?
  3. What hairstyle would you like following a hair transplant?

Long-lasting hair transplants with Finasteride & Minoxidil

A hair transplant is a surgery that aids in the restoration and replenishment of hair in regions where it has been lost. Nevertheless, you might still have hair on your head that can be preserved and stopped from falling out. Taking medications like Minoxidil or Finasteride, which have shown to be quite effective in hair loss prevention and growth stimulation, can help keep the existing hair. Meaning, your hair transplant can be conducted recognizing the fact that there is a low chance if not one of further balding or receding. This delivers additional reassurance that the outcome from the hair transplant, hence long-lasting, will not look odd even if you continue balding and thinning down the line.

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Hair Transplantation without Finasteride & Minoxidil

If you do not ingest medicine to avoid further hair loss, you might necessitate a second hair transplant when losing more hair.

This detaches hair transplants into those conducted with or without Minoxidil or Finasteride. In each case, there are two different results:

  1. If you take drugs that impede further hair loss, there is to be expected a lifetime-lasting hair transplant outcome
  2. If you don’t take drugs that impede further hair loss, you may have a lifetime-lasting hair transplant that will not suit you down the line as you keep on losing hair. In such instances, you might require another hair transplant.

Will you need a second hair transplant?

Your hair transplant might start looking unseemly if you recede behind your implanted hairs. This might insinuate opting for second or third hair transplantation if you are not taking medications to impede further hair loss.

Since a hair transplant can endure for a lifetime, you should comprehend that continuing to bald following your hair transplant will make it look bizarre in the upcoming years. The reason why it is fundamental to take into account hair loss preventative medications.

If you have chosen not to take any medication and undergo a hair transplant instead, then our suggestion would be to wait until you’ve reached the age of 30, when your hair is stabilized, before undergoing the procedure. This is critical because it helps you plan just what you will be needing from a hair transplant and create an idea of how much hair you are going to lose. It additionally impedes you from having another hair transplant and spending more time and money.

In certain patients, a hair transplant lasts for quite some time, but there is thinning in some regions of the scalp. This might mean that another hair transplant is necessary to top up those areas and sustain a result. This can only be performed a number of times prior to the donor area becoming thin. Thus, it is best for patients to think about impending further hair loss instead of leaning on having multiple hair transplant procedures.

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What hairstyle do you want after a hair transplant?

Remaining in our preceding section, this is also a fundamental topic. If you so choose to undergo a hair transplant, irrespective of your age, your wanted hairline is of utmost importance whenever taking into account what you would like to achieve from surgery.

Your hairstyle if you take hair loss medications

If you are unwavering on hair loss medications then you can comprehend that receding or balding cannot go much further, so you can possibly plan for a hairline and hairstyle you most like. You must however be aware that your hairline must take into consideration the hairstyle you want when you are older. Selecting a mature hairline is essential as your transplant will last a considerable time while aging.

Your hairstyle if you do not take hair loss medications

Upon deciding not to take hair loss medications it is time to wait till your hair loss levels off prior to undergoing a hair transplantation. Moreover, you should take into account your family history of hair loss. Having several family members who have gone bald completely, means you have a higher chance of balding the same way. Thus, waiting and seeing how hair loss develops before proceeding with a hair transplant is essential.

If you are still thinking of having a hair transplant, you should also consider the hairstyle and hairline you opt for, as well as hair loss and recession. Creating a plan for a mature hairline and hairstyle might blend better. Meaning, a hairline that is about your optimal hairline. This is advantageous for several reasons:

  • It will provide you with a hairline that you can style as you would like
  • The transplant saves more grafts for upcoming hair transplants needed when balding further
  • Seeing as the hairline will never look too low down it will suit you for your whole life
  • A farther-up hairline will offer high-density outcomes as the transplanted hair is not stretched over a bigger region

What happens when you have a bad hair transplant?

If you have previously undergone a bad hair transplant or one that you are unsatisfied with, you might look to correct the result. Understanding that the result is enduring, fixing any issue can be a pressing concern.

You have quite a few options to choose from:

  • You can fix a bad hairline design by having another transplant
  • In the event that you have a hairline that is low down you can undergo laser hair removal and another hair transplant
  • If your results do not have the right density you might decide on having another transplant to dense the results. You must however understand that this uses more of your donor hair leaving less for another transplant if necessary
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