How to Sleep After A Hair Transplant?

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Sleep position after a hair transplant

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How to sleep after a hair transplant? The freshly added hair follicles will be fragile for about ten days after the procedure, so sleeping correctly is quite essential. To impede the damage done to your hair transplant while sleeping, make sure to sleep on top of a pillow, tagging your travel pillow alongside and positioning it around your neck. By sleeping this way, you will be slightly upright, making sure that you aren't worsening the swelling or rolling over in bed harming transplanted grafts after a hair transplant.

In this article, we will talk about everything related to the “How to sleep after a hair transplant?” question that might have been eating you up, including the very best positions, the healing process, the do’s and the don’ts

Can I Sleep On My Side After A Hair Transplant?

During hair transplant interventions, be it the FUE or the FUT techniques, both lead to temporary harm to the hair skin. Similar to any other medical intervention, there are some keys to take into account in hair transplantation. Protecting the sensitized skin layer is required. That is the reason why the position of the head throughout sleep following a hair transplantation procedure is fundamental.

In the several days following the hair transplant intervention, particularly the initial first week, paying attention to the sleeping position is of utmost importance. As is adhering to the guidelines provided to you by the specialist physician. The information about the hair transplantation aftercare given by the surgeon who conducted the surgery must be kept in mind.

The “sleeping after a hair transplant” experts do not advise sleeping on your side in the initial weeks following the procedure. That is because the side-lying position can lead to much swelling on the scalp. Side sleeping position should not be applied, particularly in the initial ten days.

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Can I Sleep Face Down After Hair Transplant?

Sleeping with your face down can lead to very unpreferred and unfavorable situations. Choosing to sleep in this position can cause bleeding in the donor site and the implanted site, noting that there will be over-the-top blood flow toward the forehead. Sleeping face down should be avoided, undoubtedly.

Another thing to keep in mind is that anything you put on your head or face such as eye patches, wraps, or covers (such as a handkerchief or anything similar) can lead to negative outcomes.

How Must I Sleep After A Hair Transplant?

As aforementioned, following a hair transplant, the “How to sleep after a hair transplant?” question is among the most commonly asked ones. Experienced surgeons state that the very best position for sleeping is lying on your back. The recommendation would be for your head to be right about the heart and body level. To accomplish this position, there should be an angle of 45 degrees formed between your head and your body. The easy approach to doing this is to put a high pillow or maybe put two pillows under your head.

The head and neck positions being at a higher level than the body impedes the contact between the donor and recipient sites with the bed or pillows and forms a hygienic occurrence. Not hard enough pillows that do not have the capability to harm the freshly transplanted hair follicles are the most preferred ones.

Following a hair transplant surgery, it is crucial to adhere to hygienic guidelines throughout the recovery process. In the lying position, direct contact with the intervention with the pillow, quilt, or pique should be avoided. Direct contact may of course lead to bigger issues, such as infections. The daily change of the protection pad used will enable the wounds to heal more swiftly.

Experts advise to not toss and turn (move) as much as you can restrict yourself from doing so, before and during the sleep, following a hair transplant operation. Another thing to be avoided is left and right turns. Every single contact of the fragile and delicate scalp with the pillow or bed can lead to hair follicle breakage. The initial two days are of the greatest importance. About seven to ten days after a hair transplant intervention, the sleeping position constraints come to an end.

When Can I Sleep Normally After A Hair Transplant?

  • Day 0-10: Sleep on your back at a certain tilt
  • Day 10-14: You are allowed to sleep on your side. Keep in mind to not place pressure directly on the regions that have been operated on
  • Day 14 and onwards: You can sleep in any position you desire

By the tenth day after a hair transplant surgery you are able to sleep normally without any constraint or impactful discomfort. All the same, call to mind that the appliance of too much pressure on the hair grafts has still the ultimate potential to harm them. Our recommendation would be to sleep with your face facing upwards, at least until two weeks have passed.

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Sleeping After A Hair Transplant: The Dos & Don’ts

In this section of the article we will provide you with some recommendations on sleeping following a hair transplantation:


  • Hold your head elevated while sleeping throughout the initial two weeks following a hair transplant
  • Utilize additional pillows to keep your head elevated
  • You can always use a travel pillow to assist in preventing yourself from turning and tossing


  • Turn and toss when trying to sleep
  • Keep your head in a sideway position
  • Caress or scrub your head against anything
  • Take any sleeping pills, since you might wake up throughout the night and feel lost and confused- possibly putting yourself at risk of hitting your head

What Is The Best Position To Sleep In After A Hair Transplant?

The most preferred position to sleep in after a hair transplant surgery, by the surgeons, is on your back, with the head elevated right above your heart level. Such action will help in the reduction of the swelling but additionally impede the head from turning during the night and harming the grafts. Make sure to put one pillow and a travel pillow around the neck to prop the head up and forward. By sleeping in this exact position, you can minimize the chances of causing harm to your hair and causing inflammation to your scalp.

Bear in mind that the sole objective of sleeping in such a position following a hair transplant operation is to cease any contact between the recipient site and the bed or pillow. Things will get simpler this way. After the grafts have become solid and secure, by the two-week mark, you will be free to sleep in any position you want, without compromising your hair.

How Long Does A Hair Transplant Take To Heal?

Throughout the initial days following a hair transplant, both the donor site (the place where the hair grafts are harvested from) and the recipient site (the place where the hair grafts are transferred to) are healing. The donor site is bandaged first, and a lot of post-operative inflammation and oozing are considered normal. With time, scabs are created on these sites, and they get itchy. To help with the healing process, you should avoid picking at or scratching the scabs. Enable them to fall off by themself. If you are experiencing an itchy scalp following a hair transplant, our recommendation would be to use these treatments and tips:

  • Utilize a saltwater solution
  • Take antihistamines
  • Utilize a specific medicated shampoo
  • If recommended by the surgeon, apply a steroid scalp solution
  • And ultimately, do not scratch the itch

Around the second week, the inflammation should have diminished and you should commence feeling better. Itching can last a little longer, but it settles down eventually. Taking precautions including the avoidance of vigorous physical exercise for two weeks is also of utmost importance.

In about a month, the healing process should be fully done and you should feel very minimal pain and discomfort. By this time the hair will have generally grown to cover up the donor site, but you should keep in mind that the recipient site is still fragile and should be treated with immense care. It also should be noted that on this site the hair won’t come out for another two months.

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Restore Your Looks With A Hair Transplant At Advanced Hair Clinic

At Advanced Hair Clinic in Tirana, Albania, you can get a world-class hair transplant and win back your juvenile looks before you know it.

The medical team at Advanced Hair Clinic will watch your every step following the surgery from the first hair wash to providing the required aftercare supplies, and offering your vital advice for the very best postoperative care and recovery.

If you would like to know more about the procedure and have questions in your head about how to sleep after a hair transplant, go ahead and book a consultation by simply sending us a text or giving us a call.

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