What Makes A Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Special?

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Sapphire FUE hair transplant

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The Sapphire FUE hair transplant is one of the hair transplant techniques that offers an enduring and lifetime solution to hair loss issues. This hair transplantation method is named after the utilization of special Sapphire blades throughout the opening stage of the treatment. Discover everything you need to know about the FUE technique with Sapphire blades.

What Is The Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

Sapphire FUE hair transplant is a renowned hair transplant method that is devoted to both women and men experiencing localized hair loss because of androgenic alopecia, marginal alopecia, traction alopecia, and trauma.

Sapphire FUE hair transplantation is additionally a method that offers accurate and natural outcomes. The procedure itself is a combination of the well-known FUE method but with the use of new medical devices. Certainly, the FUE hair transplant method with a Sapphire blade employs blades made of valuable stone.

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What Is The Difference Between Classic FUE And Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

FUE hair transplants are an endorsement in hair transplantation. Sapphire FUE hair transplant method varies from traditional FUE in the medical tools employed throughout the procedure. As a matter of fact, different from traditional hair transplantation which utilizes steel blades throughout the incisions creation in the recipient site, the Sapphire FUE method utilizes Sapphire blades. In contrast to the steel blades utilized in FUE hair transplant, which have a U-shape, Sapphire blades have a V-shaped shaft. The incorporation of gemstones makes the cuts much more accurate.

Classic FUE, Sapphire FUE, Or Manual FUE, Which Technique To Choose?

Whether it might be a conventional FUE hair transplant, a Sapphire FUE hair transplant, a manual FUE hair transplant or a women’s hair transplant, hair transplant interventions offer aesthetically pleasing and long-lasting outcomes. Each one of these methods has its benefits: whilst the conventional FUE hair transplant enables you to get the most natural hair, the manual hair transplant provides an outstanding recovery following the procedure. The Sapphire FUE hair transplant method is a denser hair transplant, which enables patients with advanced hair loss to get amazing outcomes.

At Advanced Hair Clinic, a hair transplant expert clinic in Tirana, there are two other methods offered: DHI hair transplant in Albania and Mesograft hair transplant in Albania. There must be assessed many factors in order to establish which is the most appropriate procedure for each individual. The selection of the method employed depends entirely on the wants, needs, and issues of each patient.

Transplanti i flokeve Sapphire FUE ne Shqiperi

What Are The Advantages Of Sapphire FUE Technique?

The Sapphire tip leads to less tissue harm to the skin and hair follicles throughout the hair follicle removal procedure, which in turn means much less pain and a quicker recovery process. Sapphire FUE, in contrast to DHI or any other transplantation method, is less invasive, meaning it is much more beneficial.

Sapphire tips are more difficult and more enduring when compared to conventional steel blade tips, which enables for a bigger accuracy throughout the removal of hair follicles from the donor site and consequently, less harm to the hair follicles.

The Sapphire tip causes less trauma to the skin, leading to less scarring following the procedure. As aforementioned, the fact that the Sapphire FUE hair transplant is much less invasive than conventional FUE aids in minimizing the discomfort that an individual will sense and feel and reduces the risk of complications. The accuracy of the Sapphire tip enhances the survival rate of transplanted hair. Complying with the doctor’s guidelines provided prior to and after the Sapphire FUE procedure will ensure you achieve positive hair transplant results.

What Are The Steps Of The Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

The Sapphire FUE hair transplant doesn’t involve any pain and it takes place in the following steps:

  • Preparation of the donor site: To move forward with the extraction and selection of the grafts from the donor site, the head must be first shaved. The donor site is then anesthetized to make sure that the patient feels comfortable throughout the procedure.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction: The FUE procedure is conducted with the use of hollow needles that range from 0.7 to 1 mm in diameter. Typically, the grafts are composed of one to four hairs. Once harvested, they are placed in a liquid solution to maintain their vitality while their implantation occurs. The grafts are evaluated and sorted prior to moving to the next step.
  • Hair transplantation: The very last step is the implantation of the grafts. Carefully and thoroughly, the hair follicles are transplanted one by one in each incision with the use of micro forceps over several millimeters in depth, adjusting to the recipient site. In this method, the incisions are created with the employment of Sapphire blades. Sapphire is a gem, non-metallic, so it doesn’t cause any metal allergic reaction.

At Advanced Hair Clinic, the Sapphire FUE hair transplant is performed in combination with a Platelet Plasma (PRP) treatment to provide an ideal result. PRP is a platelet concentrate gained thanks to the centrifugation of autologous blood and it is employed to boost healing and hair growth following a hair transplant.

The procedure’s duration depends entirely on the number of grafts that need to be extracted and transplanted. Typically, a Sapphire FUE hair transplant takes 5 to 7 hours for about 1500 to 2000 grafts.

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What Are The After-effects of A Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

The post-intervention course of Sapphire FUE is not at all painful or constraining. The employment of Sapphire blades enables the making of very accurate incisions leading to minimal tissue damage. The post-intervention stage is subsequently more comfortable, and recovery is quicker.

To boost healing, the surgeons’ recommendation is to cease caffeine and alcohol consumption and to avoid smoking cigarettes, or any other tobacco product. To diminish any side effect of hair transplantation it is of utmost importance to adhere to the aftercare guidelines offered by the surgeon.

Are There Any Contraindications To The Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant?

There are several contraindications to the Sapphire FUE hair transplant method. Such contraindications are evaluated on a case-by-case basis by a medical team prior to the procedure. Sapphire FUE is absolutely forbidden during breastfeeding and pregnancy. It is also forbidden in instances of scalp diseases and infections. Additionally, people who are highly exposed to blood clotting conditions are not eligible candidates for hair transplantations.

Does The Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant Require General Anesthesia?

As a matter of fact, no, the Sapphire FUE hair transplantation does not necessitate the administration of general anesthesia. Yet, to make sure that the patient is comfortable and does not feel any pain, under the direct supervision of an expert anesthesiologist, they will administer local anesthesia. Consequently, the procedure is fully painless.

Konsulta per transplantin e flokeve Sapphire FUE ne Shqiperi

Why Is The Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant So Popular?

Sapphire FUE hair transplant method revolves around the process of the hair follicles transplanted taken from the donor site and transferred to the recipient area where there is a balding area. This type of transplantation is part of the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) procedure, a technique that helps restore hair growth.

Sapphire FUE, which is a very minimally intrusive technique conducted for hair growth restoration, is quite a popular hair transplantation method seeing as it offers a quicker healing process and much less scarring than other techniques such as conventional hair transplantation techniques. During the Sapphire FUE procedure, which is typically conducted under a local anesthetic, a specific Sapphire-tipped tool is utilized to make tiny and accurate incisions in the scalp where the hair follicles will be transplanted. The Sapphire tip of this tool employed throughout transplantation is highly unlikely to harm the adjacent tissue. This benefit makes it possible to reach a much more natural-looking hair transplant result.

Why Should Advanced Hair Clinic Be Preferred For Hair Transplant?

Advanced Hair Clinic, one of the most reliable hair clinics in Albania, provides patients with free consultancy services regarding the needed treatments and supports them during every phase of their hair transplantation procedure. Due to the free consultancy service provided, finding answers to all your concerns and questions about hair transplantation techniques, hair transplant expenditures, Sapphire FUE hair transplants in Albania, and much more, is quite easy and practicable. You can additionally uncover the chance to experience a successful hair transplant process in a sterile clinical environment, wherein the treatment processes of the clients are highly supported by expertized doctors.

If you are in search of an enduring solution to get rid of hair deficiency or prevent hair loss, a hair transplant procedure might be the optimal alternative. As a result of the transplant process, you can have a much more positive mood and freshen up your self-esteem, where cosmetic worries will improve alongside the decrease of physical worries.

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